The Leadership Litmus Test

People often confuse titles with leadership—thinking a CEO title automatically makes someone a leader, or that managers are always leaders in their own right.

Here's a thought: leadership isn’t just about title or a corner office. It's a state of mind, a set of actions, and most importantly, it's about character. It's about impacting lives and making a change—even when the odds are against you.

We've heard stories of people rising from intern to CEO, from check to store owner.

What's their secret?

It's not rocket science or some magical potion.

It's the embodiment of certain traits and habits.

Today, in a quick and insightful read, you’ll unravel:

✔️ Leadership Litmus Test: The 12-point checklist

Let's deep dive a little deeper and see what sets a leader apart.


Before we list down the signs of a true leader, let's understand this - being a leader doesn’t mean having all the answers; it means having the vision and drive to find them. It’s not about being perfect - but it is about being willing to set an example for others to follow. It’s not about knowing the future - but it is about charting paths into the future, taking that bold first uncertain step towards the unknown.

So, how can you spot that spark of leadership within yourself or any other person?


  1. You Long to Make a Difference. Leaders aren’t satisfied with just existing—they thrive on making a difference. They're the ones lighting fires of change, often starting as a lone spark, and inspiring others to join the blaze.

  2. Dissatisfaction with the Status Quo. For leaders, good enough never is. They constantly seek improvement, transformation, and innovation. The world doesn’t just turn for them—they turn it.

  3. Resources Aren't Excuses. True leaders find ways, not excuses. Even with limited resources or a small team, they craft a way to make their vision come to life.

  4. Dream Beyond the Horizon. If your dreams don’t scare you, they aren’t big enough. Leaders visualize what others can’t, and then set out to achieve those impossible dreams.

  5. Question the “Now” with “What’s Next?”. While they acknowledge the current state, leaders are more intrigued by the possibilities of the future. They are the architects of tomorrow.

  6. Influence Isn’t Tied to Position. Some believe leadership comes with a title. Real leaders understand that their influence comes from trust, respect, and the value they bring—not a fancy designation.

  7. Own Your Narrative. Leaders don’t play the blame game. They take ownership, find solutions, and drive change. They understand that accountability isn't about pointing fingers but lifting the entire team higher.

  8. Unity is Strength. Creating harmony, demonstrating empathy and fostering open dialogue is the hallmark of a true leader. They are the glue that binds diverse thoughts, encouraging growth from collective wisdom.

  9. Admit, Commit, and Correct. Everyone makes mistakes. But a leader’s strength lies in acknowledging them openly, committing to rectify, and paving the path for a brighter tomorrow.

  10. People Over Projects. To a true leader, relationships are the essence of leadership. While tasks and projects are essential, they understand that it’s the people who make the dream work.

  11. Authenticity Over Perfection. Leaders know they aren't perfect, but they strive for sincerity. Their actions resonate with genuine intent, making them both approachable and revered.

  12. Constant Evolution. Stagnation is a leader's worst enemy. They are perpetual learners—seeking knowledge, pursuing growth, and adapting with the times. They recognize that every moment is an opportunity to evolve.

Having read this list, you might be thinking, “how could anyone have all of these qualities at once?”. Good question… leaders are not not heroes, not perfect, and certainly not infallible.

Sure, there’s more to leadership than just possessing qualities such as these, but if you’re looking for qualities like these in future leaders, or developing them in yourself, you’ll be on the right track.

As you’re reading this, remember that leadership isn't a destination but a journey. A journey of growth, learning, and most importantly, of character.

Take a pause today and ask yourself: How are you progressing on this journey? No matter where you find yourself, it's time to lace up those shoes and take the next step. 🚀

Cameron McDonald

I'm a leadership trainer, speaker, and coach, and I'm here to help you unleash the leader within! Over the last 20 years serving people, building teams, growing organisations and educating leaders, I have delivered over 2400 training sessions, workshops and lectures, and given over 50 keynotes speeches globally.

These experiences have developed a deep passion in me for developing effective leaders, healthy teams and flourishing organisations. I am obsessed with crafting engaging learning experiences that equip leaders and their teams to unshackle themselves to realise their highest level of personhood and performance.

I work with leaders who want to produce meaningful change and ignite purposeful growth in the lives of their people, their teams and their organisations. By establishing values-driven leadership, strengths-based teams and healthy aligned cultures, your leaders and teams will be equipped to drive engagement, performance and sustainable growth.

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